
Package echopoint

Interface Summary
ToolTipPopUpSupport Components that implement ToolTipPopUpSupport (which extends nextapp.echo.ToolTipSupport) provide a rich tool tip mechanisms via the * ToolTipPopUp component.

Class Summary
AbstractDateTimeField The AbstractDateTimeField class is an abstract Component that can be used as the baisis for allowing a user to enter in a date or time.
AbstractDateTimeField.NestedStyleInfo Nested public static StyleInfo class.
BalloonHelp The BalloonHelp class is a PopUp component that appears like classic Balloon Help, inspired from the early Apple Macintosh.
Beep The Beep component causes a beep to issued when the page is loaded.
BlackHole The BlackHole class is a component that will NEVER render anything.
BoxSection The BoxSection class provides a Component that has a title, some content and an optional footer.
BoxSection.NestedStyleInfo Nested public static StyleInfo class.
ChartPanel A component which integrates JFreeChart with Echo.
ChartPanel.NestedStyleInfo Nested public static StyleInfo class.
ClientDatePicker A ClientDatePicker allows the user to select a date without requiring a trip back to the server.
ColorChooser The ColorChooser class can be used to allow the user to select colors from a series of sample color cells.
ColorChooser.NestedStyleInfo Nested public static StyleInfo class.
ComboBox The ComboBox component is a TextField that acts like a SelectField as well.
ComboBox.NestedStyleInfo Nested public static StyleInfo class.
ConfirmButton The ConfirmButton class is implementation of the PushButton class.
CornerImages The CornerImages class can be used to create an immutable set of images that can then be used by a Component as a series of corner images, for example rounded or triangluar corner images.
DateField The DateField class is a TextField component that can be used to allow a user to enter in a date.
DatePicker The DatePicker class can be used to navigate dates and select a specified date.
DatePicker.NestedStyleInfo Nested public static StyleInfo class.
DevNull The DevNull class is a component that will NEVER render itself or any of its children.
DialogPanel DialogPanel, which extends ScrollablePanel is a generic container that implements Scrollable, Positionable and Clippable.
DropDownBox The DropDownBox class is a ScrollableBox component that can be used as a container for other components, with a "toggle" child component.
DropDownBox.NestedStyleInfo Nested public static StyleInfo class.
EchoPointComponent The EchoPointComponent class is a base class used on many of the EchoPoint components.
EchoPointComponent.NestedStyleInfo Nested public static StyleInfo class.
EmbeddedObject The EmbeddedObject class provides a Component that when rendered will present an embedded object on the client.
EmbeddedObject.NestedStyleInfo Nested public static StyleInfo class.
EmbeddedPane The EmbeddedPane class provides a Component that can embedded a ContentPane inside itself.
EmbeddedPane.NestedStyleInfo Nested public static StyleInfo class.
ExitButton The ExitButton class is an implementation of the basic echo Button component that allows linking to other web URI,leaving the echo web application is a consistent state.
ExitButton.NestedStyleInfo Nested public static StyleInfo class.
ExpandableMenu The ExpandableMenu class provides a Component that shows a hierarchial menu of Component objects.
ExpandableMenu.NestedStyleInfo Nested public static StyleInfo class.
ExpandableSection The ExpandableSection class provides a Component that can be expanded and collapsed.
ExpandableSection.NestedStyleInfo Nested public static StyleInfo class.
ExternalEventMonitor A ExternalEventMonitor can be used to monitor external events that come in via web request URIs.
FontChooser.NestedStyleInfo Nested public static StyleInfo class.
GridPanel The GridPanel is a ScrollablePanel that uses an GridLayoutManager as its layout manager.
GroupBox The GroupBox class provides a Container that can contain other Components or objects with a border and a title.
GroupBox.NestedStyleInfo Nested public static StyleInfo class.
HidingSlidingPanel The HidingSlidingPanel class provides a Scrollable component that can be hidden on the side of the client window ready to slide in and be used.
HidingSlidingPanel.NestedStyleInfo Nested public static StyleInfo class.
HorizontalPanel The HorizontalPanel class provides a Panel that will layout its contents horizontally in a series of adjoining cells.
HorizontalPanel.NestedStyleInfo Nested public static StyleInfo class.
HourGlass The HourGlass class is a component that will display a centered "wait" image whenever information is being sent back to the server.
HourGlass.NestedStyleInfo Nested public static StyleInfo class.
HtmlContainer HtmlContainer is a component that can contain a HTML fragment.
HtmlTemplatePanel The HtmlTemplatePanel class can be used as a Component that will use an HTML template as a basis to render other Components within.
ImageIcon The ImageIcon class provides an component that displays an ImageReference.
ImageIcon.NestedStyleInfo Nested public static StyleInfo class.
ImageMap The ImageMap class provides a Component that allows a user to click on region within a provided region.
ImageMap.Coords The Coords object is a set of co-ordinates and an ActionCommand String.
ImageMap.NestedStyleInfo Nested public static StyleInfo class.
JavaScriptButton The JavaScriptButton class is derived from the PushButton class.
JavaScriptInclude The JavaScriptInclude component allows custom JavaScript to be included inline or in the onload/unload event of the page or in the head section of the page.
JspTemplatePanel Generates content from a JSP page and adds it as a component.
Label echopoint.Label is the EchoPoint equivalent of nextapp.echo.Label but it adds extra functionality such as tooltips.
Label.NestedStyleInfo Nested public static StyleInfo class.
ListSection The ListSection class provides a Component that can contain other Components or objects in a list.
ListSection.NestedStyleInfo Nested public static StyleInfo class.
Menu The Menu class provides a Component that can be added to a menu bar or other menu items.
Menu.NestedStyleInfo Nested public static StyleInfo class.
MenuBar The MenuBar class provides a Component that contains other Menu objects and MenuItem objects.
MenuBar.NestedStyleInfo Nested public static StyleInfo class.
MenuItem The MenuItem class provides a Component that can be added to a menu bar or other menu items.
MenuItem.NestedStyleInfo Nested public static StyleInfo class.
NewsTicker The NewsTicker class provides a Component that scrolls its child components in a panel according to user defined parameters.
NewsTicker.NestedStyleInfo Nested public static StyleInfo class.
NumberFormatField The NumberFormatField class is a Component that can be used as the baisis for allowing a user to enter in a numbers.
NumberFormatField.NestedStyleInfo Nested public static StyleInfo class.
Panel The Panel component is a clone of the nextapp.echo.Panel component and it adds the ability to specify a LayoutManager for laying out the child contents as well as implements Borderable.
PasswordField PasswordField is derived from echopoint.TextField and provides a field that does not show its contents.
PickList The PickList class provides a Component that presents tow list of objects and allows the user to move them from one list to the other.
PickList.NestedStyleInfo Nested public static StyleInfo class.
PopUp The PopUp class provides an container component that can popup over other components.
PopUp.NestedStyleInfo Nested public static StyleInfo class.
PrintRequest The PrintRequest component can be used to get the client browser to print the current window or frame.
ProgressBar The ProgressBar> component provides a visual display for an integer value within a bounded interval.
ProgressBar.NestedStyleInfo Nested public static StyleInfo class.
PushButton The PushButton class is another implementation of the basic echo Button class.
RecallComboBox The RecallComboBox class is a ComboBox that can remember what has been entered into it before.
RecallComboBox.NestedStyleInfo Nested public static StyleInfo class.
RichTextArea The RichTextArea component provides HTML rich text editing facilities.
RichTextArea.NestedStyleInfo Nested public static StyleInfo class.
ScrollableBox The ScrollableBox, which extends AbstractScrollableComponent is a generic lightweight container that implements Scrollable, Positionable and Clippable.
ScrollablePanel The ScrollablePanel, which extends Panel is a generic lightweight container that implements Scrollable, Positionable and Clippable.
SelectableTable The SelectableTable is a SortableTable component that allows the table rows to be selected, much like a a ListBox.
SelectableTable.NestedStyleInfo Nested public static StyleInfo class.
Separator The Separator class is a Component that provides a simple separator within menus or between other Components It consists of a top line and bottom line, that can have width and color values.
Separator.NestedStyleInfo Nested public static StyleInfo class.
SortableTable A Table derived class that can be sorted by clicking on a given column header.
SpinField The SpinField class is a Component that can be used to obtain values from the user within an contrained range.
SpinField.NestedStyleInfo Nested public static StyleInfo class.
SubmitButton The SubmitButton class is an implementation of PushButton component that allows posting data to another web URI.
SubmitButton.NestedStyleInfo Nested public static StyleInfo class.
TabbedPane The TabbedPane component provides tabbed panes to the Echo Web Framework.
TabbedPane.DefaultCloseActionListener Class for default close action.
TabbedPane.NestedStyleInfo Nested public static StyleInfo class.
Tachometer This component uses the JFreeChart capabilties to draw a Tachometer.
Tachometer.NestedStyleInfo Nested public static StyleInfo class.
TextField echopoint.TextField is derived from the nextapp.echo.TextField and adds extra functionality such as validation, better tool tips and Borderable support.
Thermometer This component uses the JFreeChart capabilties to draw a Thermometer.
Thermometer.NestedStyleInfo Nested public static StyleInfo class.
TimeField The TimeField class is a TextField component that can be used to allow a user to enter in a time value.
Timer The Timer class is a Component that causes an action to occur at a predefined rate.
TitleBar The TitleBar class provides a Component with a title, that can be used to expanded and collapsed, as well as close other components.
TitleBar.NestedStyleInfo Nested public static StyleInfo class.
ToolTipPopUp ToolTipPopUp is a component that can help render rich tool tips when the mouse goes over a Component.
ToolTipPopUp.NestedStyleInfo Nested public static StyleInfo class.
Tree The Tree component displays data in a hierarchial manner.
Tree.NestedStyleInfo Nested public static StyleInfo class.
WizardPane The WizardPane class provides a component to the Echo Web Framework that allows the user to navigate through a series of logical steps.
WizardPane.NestedStyleInfo Nested public static StyleInfo class.
