
Class CssStyleSheetHelper

  extended byechopoint.stylesheet.CssStyleSheetHelper
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class CssStyleSheetHelper
extends java.lang.Object

A CssStyleSheet helper class, which contains many method to validate and set style attributes as well as pre-built SymbolicValue[] arrays for common Echo constants.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
static java.lang.Class classBooleanArray
          A array class instance of Boolean[].class
static java.lang.Class classByteArray
          A array class instance of Byte[].class
static java.lang.Class classCharacterArray
          A array class instance of Character[].class
static java.lang.Class classDoubleArray
          A array class instance of Double[].class
static java.lang.Class classFloatArray
          A array class instance of Float[].class
static java.lang.Class classIntegerArray
          A array class instance of Integer[].class
static java.lang.Class classLongArray
          A array class instance of Long[].class
static java.lang.Class classShortArray
          A array class instance of Short[].class
static java.lang.String[] ColorConstantStrings
          Constant array for Color Contstant Strings
static nextapp.echo.Color[] ColorConstantValues
          Constant array for Color Constant values
static SymbolicValue[] colors
          Helper static SymbolicValue[] - Known nextapp.echo.Color constants
static SymbolicValue[] containerPaneOrientation
          Helper static SymbolicValue[] - ContainerPane.ORIENTATION_VERTICAL and ContainerPane.ORIENTATION_HORINZONTAL
static SymbolicValue[] contentPaneScrollBarPolicy
          Helper static SymbolicValue[] - ContentPane.SCROLL_BAR_NEVER,SCROLL_BAR_ALWAYS and SCROLL_BAR_AUTO
static SymbolicValue[] ecBottomRight
          Helper static SymbolicValue[] - EchoConstants BOTTOM, and RIGHT
static java.lang.String[] EchoConstantsStrings
          Constant array for EchoConstants Strings
static int[] EchoConstantsValues
          Constant array for EchoConstants values
static SymbolicValue[] ecLeftCenterRight
          Helper static SymbolicValue[] - EchoConstants LEFT, CENTER and RIGHT
static SymbolicValue[] ecLeftRight
          Helper static SymbolicValue[] - EchoConstants LEFT and RIGHT
static SymbolicValue[] ecLeftTop
          Helper static SymbolicValue[] - EchoConstants LEFT, and TOP
static SymbolicValue[] ecTopBottom
          Helper static SymbolicValue[] - EchoConstants TOP and BOTTOM
static SymbolicValue[] ecTopCenterBottom
          Helper static SymbolicValue[] - EchoConstants TOP, CENTER and BOTTOM
static SymbolicValue[] ecTopLeftCenterBottomRight
          Helper static SymbolicValue[] - EchoConstants TOP, LEFT, CENTER and BOTTOM, RIGHT
static java.lang.String[] FontStrings
          Constant array for Fonts strings
static java.lang.String[] FontStyleStrings
          Constant array for Fonts Style strings
static int[] FontStyleValues
          Constant array for Fonts Style values
static java.lang.String[][] FontValues
          Constant array for Fonts Values
static SymbolicValue[] gridAllUnits
static SymbolicValue[] gridPixelPercentUnits
          Helper static SymbolicValue[] - Grid.PIXEL_UNITS and Grid.PERCENT_UNITS
static SymbolicValue[] textComponentBorderStyle
          Helper static SymbolicValue[] - TextComponent.BORDER_DEFAULT, BORDER_NONE, BORDER_SOLID and BORDER_INSET
Constructor Summary
          CssStyleSheetHelper constructor.
Method Summary
static void applyStyleTo(java.lang.String styleString, nextapp.echo.Component c)
          Applies a CSS style sheet string in the form "attr1:val1;attr2:val2;...attrN:valN" to the given component.
static int arrayIndex(java.lang.String s, java.lang.String[] array)
          Returns the index of the string in an array of strings, case insensitive or -1 if its not found
static boolean eq(java.lang.String classSyleName, java.lang.String attrName)
          Returns true if the style attriute name matches.
static ClipRect getClipRect(java.lang.String attrValue)
          Returns the int [] clipping rect value of the given attrValue string.
static java.lang.String getClipRectString(ClipRect value)
          Returns a ClipRect string representation The allowable forms are : - rect(l,t,r,b) where l,t,r,b is an integer values
static nextapp.echo.Color getColor(java.lang.String attrValue)
          Returns the Color value of the given attrValue string.
static java.lang.String getColorString(nextapp.echo.Color value)
          Returns a Color string representation in the form : - #rrggbb where rr, gg, bb are hexidecimal integer values
static int getConstant(java.lang.String attrValue, java.lang.String[] constantStrings, int[] constantValues)
          Returns the int value of the given attrValue string.
static CornerImages getCornerImages(java.lang.String attrValue)
          Returns the CornerImages value of the given attrValue string.
static java.lang.String getCornerImagesString(CornerImages value)
          Returns a CornerImages string representation.
static int getEchoConstant(java.lang.String attrValue)
          Returns the int value of the given attrValue string.
static nextapp.echo.Font getFont(java.lang.String attrValue)
          Returns the Font value of the given attrValue string.
static java.lang.String getFontString(nextapp.echo.Font value)
          Returns a Font string representation in the form : - font(fontName, fontStyle, fontSize)
where fontName - is one of the Echo font names fontStyle - PLAIN|BOLD|ITALIC|UNDERLINE fontSize - an integer size value
static int getHexInteger(java.lang.String attrValue)
          Returns the int value of the given hex attrValue string.
static nextapp.echo.ImageReference getImage(java.lang.String attrValue)
          Returns the ImageReference value of the given attrValue string.
static java.lang.String getImageString(nextapp.echo.ImageReference value)
          Returns an ImageReference string representation in the form : The allowable forms are : - image( url, width, height) where url is the string url path to then image and width and height are integer values
static nextapp.echo.Insets getInsets(java.lang.String attrValue)
          Returns the Insets value of the given attrValue string.
static java.lang.String getInsetsString(nextapp.echo.Insets value)
          Returns the a Insets string representation.
static int[] getIntArray(java.lang.String attrValue)
          Returns the int[] array value of the given attrValue string.
static java.lang.String getIntArrayString(int[] value)
          Returns an int[] array string representation in the form : - int(m1,m2...mN) where m are integer values
static int getInteger(java.lang.String attrValue)
          Returns the int value of the given attrValue string.
static boolean isClipRect(java.lang.String attrValue)
          Returns true if the attrValue is a valid representation of a Clipping Rectangle value.
static boolean isColor(java.lang.String attrValue)
          Returns true if the attrValue is a valid representation of a Color value.
static boolean isConstant(java.lang.String attrValue, java.lang.String[] constantStrings, int[] contantValues)
          Returns TRUE if the attrValue is an string or inetger value from the given string and integer contants.
static boolean isCornerImages(java.lang.String attrValue)
          Returns true if the attrValue is a valid representation of a CornerImages value.
static boolean isEchoConstant(java.lang.String attrValue)
          Returns TRUE if the attrValue is an EchoConstants value
static boolean isFont(java.lang.String attrValue)
          Returns true if the attrValue is a valid representation of a Font value.
static boolean isHexInteger(java.lang.String attrValue)
          Returns true if the attrValue is a valid representation of a base 16 Integer value.
static boolean isImage(java.lang.String attrValue)
          Returns true if the attrValue is a valid representation of a ImageReference value.
static boolean isInsets(java.lang.String attrValue)
          Returns true if the attrValue is a valid representation of a Insets value.
static boolean isIntArray(java.lang.String attrValue)
          Returns true if the attrValue is a valid representation of a int array value.
static boolean isInteger(java.lang.String attrValue)
          Returns true if the attrValue is a valid representation of a base 10 Integer value.
static boolean isNullString(java.lang.String attrValue)
          Returns TRUE if the attrValue is the null string
static boolean setBooleanAttribute(nextapp.echo.Style style, java.lang.String attrName, java.lang.String attrValue)
          A helper to set an Boolean attribute
static boolean setClipRectAttribute(nextapp.echo.Style style, java.lang.String attrName, java.lang.String attrValue)
          A helper to set a ClipRect attribute
static boolean setColorAttribute(nextapp.echo.Style style, java.lang.String attrName, java.lang.String attrValue)
          A helper to set a Color attribute
static boolean setConstantAttribute(nextapp.echo.Style style, java.lang.String attrName, java.lang.String attrValue, java.lang.String[] constantStrings, int[] constantValues)
          A helper to set an Constants int value
static boolean setCornerImagesAttribute(nextapp.echo.Style style, java.lang.String attrName, java.lang.String attrValue)
          A helper to set a CornerImages attribute
static boolean setEchoConstantsAttribute(nextapp.echo.Style style, java.lang.String attrName, java.lang.String attrValue)
          A helper to set an EchoConstants int value
static boolean setFontAttribute(nextapp.echo.Style style, java.lang.String attrName, java.lang.String attrValue)
          A helper to set a Font attribute
static boolean setImageAttribute(nextapp.echo.Style style, java.lang.String attrName, java.lang.String attrValue)
          A helper to set a HttpImageReference attribute
static boolean setInsetsAttribute(nextapp.echo.Style style, java.lang.String attrName, java.lang.String attrValue)
          A helper to set a Insets attribute
static boolean setIntegerArrayAttribute(nextapp.echo.Style style, java.lang.String attrName, java.lang.String attrValue)
          A helper to set a Integer Array attribute
static boolean setIntegerAttribute(nextapp.echo.Style style, java.lang.String attrName, java.lang.String attrValue)
          A helper to set an Integer attribute
static boolean setStringAttribute(nextapp.echo.Style style, java.lang.String attrName, java.lang.String attrValue)
          A helper to set an String attribute
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static java.lang.Class classIntegerArray
A array class instance of Integer[].class


public static java.lang.Class classLongArray
A array class instance of Long[].class


public static java.lang.Class classShortArray
A array class instance of Short[].class


public static java.lang.Class classDoubleArray
A array class instance of Double[].class


public static java.lang.Class classFloatArray
A array class instance of Float[].class


public static java.lang.Class classBooleanArray
A array class instance of Boolean[].class


public static java.lang.Class classCharacterArray
A array class instance of Character[].class


public static java.lang.Class classByteArray
A array class instance of Byte[].class


public static SymbolicValue[] ecTopLeftCenterBottomRight
Helper static SymbolicValue[] - EchoConstants TOP, LEFT, CENTER and BOTTOM, RIGHT


public static SymbolicValue[] ecLeftCenterRight
Helper static SymbolicValue[] - EchoConstants LEFT, CENTER and RIGHT


public static SymbolicValue[] ecLeftRight
Helper static SymbolicValue[] - EchoConstants LEFT and RIGHT


public static SymbolicValue[] ecTopCenterBottom
Helper static SymbolicValue[] - EchoConstants TOP, CENTER and BOTTOM


public static SymbolicValue[] ecTopBottom
Helper static SymbolicValue[] - EchoConstants TOP and BOTTOM


public static SymbolicValue[] ecLeftTop
Helper static SymbolicValue[] - EchoConstants LEFT, and TOP


public static SymbolicValue[] ecBottomRight
Helper static SymbolicValue[] - EchoConstants BOTTOM, and RIGHT


public static SymbolicValue[] gridPixelPercentUnits
Helper static SymbolicValue[] - Grid.PIXEL_UNITS and Grid.PERCENT_UNITS


public static SymbolicValue[] gridAllUnits


public static SymbolicValue[] containerPaneOrientation
Helper static SymbolicValue[] - ContainerPane.ORIENTATION_VERTICAL and ContainerPane.ORIENTATION_HORINZONTAL


public static SymbolicValue[] contentPaneScrollBarPolicy
Helper static SymbolicValue[] - ContentPane.SCROLL_BAR_NEVER,SCROLL_BAR_ALWAYS and SCROLL_BAR_AUTO


public static SymbolicValue[] textComponentBorderStyle
Helper static SymbolicValue[] - TextComponent.BORDER_DEFAULT, BORDER_NONE, BORDER_SOLID and BORDER_INSET


public static SymbolicValue[] colors
Helper static SymbolicValue[] - Known nextapp.echo.Color constants


public static java.lang.String[] ColorConstantStrings
Constant array for Color Contstant Strings


public static nextapp.echo.Color[] ColorConstantValues
Constant array for Color Constant values


public static java.lang.String[] FontStrings
Constant array for Fonts strings


public static java.lang.String[][] FontValues
Constant array for Fonts Values


public static java.lang.String[] EchoConstantsStrings
Constant array for EchoConstants Strings


public static int[] EchoConstantsValues
Constant array for EchoConstants values


public static java.lang.String[] FontStyleStrings
Constant array for Fonts Style strings


public static int[] FontStyleValues
Constant array for Fonts Style values

Constructor Detail


public CssStyleSheetHelper()
CssStyleSheetHelper constructor.

Method Detail


public static int arrayIndex(java.lang.String s,
                             java.lang.String[] array)
Returns the index of the string in an array of strings, case insensitive or -1 if its not found


public static boolean eq(java.lang.String classSyleName,
                         java.lang.String attrName)
Returns true if the style attriute name matches. Use as a short hand to keep highly repetitive code readable.


public static ClipRect getClipRect(java.lang.String attrValue)
Returns the int [] clipping rect value of the given attrValue string. The IsClipRect method should be called to check the value beforehand.

The allowable forms are :

- rect(l,t,r,b) where l,t,r,b is an integer values


public static java.lang.String getClipRectString(ClipRect value)
Returns a ClipRect string representation

The allowable forms are :

- rect(l,t,r,b) where l,t,r,b is an integer values


public static nextapp.echo.Color getColor(java.lang.String attrValue)
Returns the Color value of the given attrValue string. The IsColor method should be called to check the value beforehand.

The allowable forms are :

- #rrggbb where rr, gg, bb are hexidecimal integer values
- rgb( r, g, b) where r,g,b are integer values
- color( r, g, b) where r,g,b are integer values


public static java.lang.String getColorString(nextapp.echo.Color value)
Returns a Color string representation in the form :

- #rrggbb where rr, gg, bb are hexidecimal integer values


public static int getConstant(java.lang.String attrValue,
                              java.lang.String[] constantStrings,
                              int[] constantValues)
Returns the int value of the given attrValue string. The IsConstant method should be called to check the value beforehand.


public static CornerImages getCornerImages(java.lang.String attrValue)
Returns the CornerImages value of the given attrValue string. The IsCornerImages method should be called to check the value beforehand.

The allowable forms are :

- corners(url1,url2) where url1 and url2 are image url values
- corners(url1,w,h,url2,w,h) where url1 and url2 are image url values and w,h are integer values


public static java.lang.String getCornerImagesString(CornerImages value)
Returns a CornerImages string representation.

The allowable forms are :

- corners(url1,url2) where url1 and url2 are image url values
- corners(url1,w,h,url2,w,h) where url1 and url2 are image url values and w,h are integer values


public static int getEchoConstant(java.lang.String attrValue)
Returns the int value of the given attrValue string. The IsEchoConstant method should be called to check the value beforehand.


public static nextapp.echo.Font getFont(java.lang.String attrValue)
Returns the Font value of the given attrValue string. The IsFont method should be called to check the value beforehand.

The allowable forms are :

- fontName,fontStyle,fontSize
- font(fontName, fontStyle, fontSize)


fontName - is one of the Echo font names fontStyle - PLAIN|BOLD|ITALIC|UNDERLINE fontSize - an integer size value


public static java.lang.String getFontString(nextapp.echo.Font value)
Returns a Font string representation in the form :

- font(fontName, fontStyle, fontSize)


fontName - is one of the Echo font names fontStyle - PLAIN|BOLD|ITALIC|UNDERLINE fontSize - an integer size value


public static int getHexInteger(java.lang.String attrValue)
Returns the int value of the given hex attrValue string. The IsHexInteger method should be called to check the value beforehand.


public static nextapp.echo.ImageReference getImage(java.lang.String attrValue)
Returns the ImageReference value of the given attrValue string. The IsImage method should be called to check the value beforehand.

The allowable forms are :

- image( url) where url is the string url path to then image
- image( url, width, height) where url is the string url path to then image and width and height are integer values
- img( url) where url is the string url path to then image
- img( url, width, height) where url is the string url path to then image and width and height are integer values


public static java.lang.String getImageString(nextapp.echo.ImageReference value)
Returns an ImageReference string representation in the form :

The allowable forms are :

- image( url, width, height) where url is the string url path to then image and width and height are integer values


public static nextapp.echo.Insets getInsets(java.lang.String attrValue)
Returns the Insets value of the given attrValue string. The IsInsets method should be called to check the value beforehand.

The allowable forms are :

- insets(i ) where i is an integer values
- insets(w, h) where w,h is an integer values
- insets(l,t,r,b) where l,t,r,b is an integer values


public static java.lang.String getInsetsString(nextapp.echo.Insets value)
Returns the a Insets string representation.

The allowable forms are :

- insets(i ) where i is an integer values
- insets(w, h) where w,h is an integer values
- insets(l,t,r,b) where l,t,r,b is an integer values


public static int[] getIntArray(java.lang.String attrValue)
Returns the int[] array value of the given attrValue string. The IsIntArray method should be called to check the value beforehand.

The allowable forms are :

- int(m1,m2...mN) where m are integer values


public static java.lang.String getIntArrayString(int[] value)
Returns an int[] array string representation in the form :

- int(m1,m2...mN) where m are integer values


public static int getInteger(java.lang.String attrValue)
Returns the int value of the given attrValue string. The IsInteger method should be called to check the value beforehand.


public static boolean isClipRect(java.lang.String attrValue)
Returns true if the attrValue is a valid representation of a Clipping Rectangle value.

The allowable forms are :

- rect(l,t,r,b) where l,t,r,b is an integer values


public static boolean isColor(java.lang.String attrValue)
Returns true if the attrValue is a valid representation of a Color value.

The allowable forms are :

- colorconstant where colorconstant in (red,blue,green...) - #rrggbb where rr, gg, bb are hexidecimal integer values
- rgb( r, g, b) where r,g,b are integer values
- color( r, g, b) where r,g,b are integer values


public static boolean isConstant(java.lang.String attrValue,
                                 java.lang.String[] constantStrings,
                                 int[] contantValues)
Returns TRUE if the attrValue is an string or inetger value from the given string and integer contants. The two arrays should be in matching size and order.


public static boolean isCornerImages(java.lang.String attrValue)
Returns true if the attrValue is a valid representation of a CornerImages value.

The allowable forms are :

- corners(url1,url2) where url1 and url2 are image url values
- corners(url1,w,h,url2,w,h) where url1 and url2 are image url values and w,h are integer values


public static boolean isEchoConstant(java.lang.String attrValue)
Returns TRUE if the attrValue is an EchoConstants value


public static boolean isFont(java.lang.String attrValue)
Returns true if the attrValue is a valid representation of a Font value.

The allowable forms are :

- fontName,fontStyle,fontSize
- font(fontName, fontStyle, fontSize)


fontName - is one of the Echo font names fontStyle - PLAIN|BOLD|ITALIC|UNDERLINE or nothing fontSize - an integer size value


public static boolean isHexInteger(java.lang.String attrValue)
Returns true if the attrValue is a valid representation of a base 16 Integer value.


public static boolean isImage(java.lang.String attrValue)
Returns true if the attrValue is a valid representation of a ImageReference value.

The allowable forms are :

- image( url) where url is the string url path to then image
- image( url, width, height) where url is the string url path to then image and width and height are integer values
- img( url) where url is the string url path to then image
- img( url, width, height) where url is the string url path to then image and width and height are integer values


public static boolean isInsets(java.lang.String attrValue)
Returns true if the attrValue is a valid representation of a Insets value.

The allowable forms are :

- insets(i ) where i is an integer values
- insets(w, h) where w,h is an integer values
- insets(l,t,r,b) where l,t,r,b is an integer values


public static boolean isIntArray(java.lang.String attrValue)
Returns true if the attrValue is a valid representation of a int array value.

The allowable forms are :

- int(m1,m2...mN) where m are integer values


public static boolean isInteger(java.lang.String attrValue)
Returns true if the attrValue is a valid representation of a base 10 Integer value.


public static boolean isNullString(java.lang.String attrValue)
Returns TRUE if the attrValue is the null string


public static boolean setBooleanAttribute(nextapp.echo.Style style,
                                          java.lang.String attrName,
                                          java.lang.String attrValue)
A helper to set an Boolean attribute


public static boolean setClipRectAttribute(nextapp.echo.Style style,
                                           java.lang.String attrName,
                                           java.lang.String attrValue)
A helper to set a ClipRect attribute


public static boolean setColorAttribute(nextapp.echo.Style style,
                                        java.lang.String attrName,
                                        java.lang.String attrValue)
A helper to set a Color attribute


public static boolean setConstantAttribute(nextapp.echo.Style style,
                                           java.lang.String attrName,
                                           java.lang.String attrValue,
                                           java.lang.String[] constantStrings,
                                           int[] constantValues)
A helper to set an Constants int value


public static boolean setCornerImagesAttribute(nextapp.echo.Style style,
                                               java.lang.String attrName,
                                               java.lang.String attrValue)
A helper to set a CornerImages attribute


public static boolean setEchoConstantsAttribute(nextapp.echo.Style style,
                                                java.lang.String attrName,
                                                java.lang.String attrValue)
A helper to set an EchoConstants int value


public static boolean setFontAttribute(nextapp.echo.Style style,
                                       java.lang.String attrName,
                                       java.lang.String attrValue)
A helper to set a Font attribute


public static boolean setImageAttribute(nextapp.echo.Style style,
                                        java.lang.String attrName,
                                        java.lang.String attrValue)
A helper to set a HttpImageReference attribute


public static boolean setInsetsAttribute(nextapp.echo.Style style,
                                         java.lang.String attrName,
                                         java.lang.String attrValue)
A helper to set a Insets attribute


public static boolean setIntegerArrayAttribute(nextapp.echo.Style style,
                                               java.lang.String attrName,
                                               java.lang.String attrValue)
A helper to set a Integer Array attribute


public static boolean setIntegerAttribute(nextapp.echo.Style style,
                                          java.lang.String attrName,
                                          java.lang.String attrValue)
A helper to set an Integer attribute


public static boolean setStringAttribute(nextapp.echo.Style style,
                                         java.lang.String attrName,
                                         java.lang.String attrValue)
A helper to set an String attribute


public static void applyStyleTo(java.lang.String styleString,
                                nextapp.echo.Component c)
                         throws StyleSheetParseException,
Applies a CSS style sheet string in the form "attr1:val1;attr2:val2;...attrN:valN" to the given component.

For example the string might look like


styleString - - a style string in the form "attr1:val1;attr2:val2;...attrN:valN"
c - - the component to apply the StyleSheet to.
StyleSheetParseException - - if the styleString cannot be parsed
StyleSheetInvalidValueException - - if an invalid attribute or value is used
See Also:
