
Class DefaultPagedTableModel

  extended bynextapp.echo.table.AbstractTableModel
      extended byechopoint.table.TableModelAdapter
          extended byechopoint.table.DefaultPagedTableModel
All Implemented Interfaces:
java.util.EventListener, PagedTableModel,, nextapp.echo.table.TableModel, nextapp.echo.event.TableModelListener

public class DefaultPagedTableModel
extends TableModelAdapter
implements PagedTableModel

The DefaultPagedTableModel is a PagedTabledModel that can be used to display a subset (ie. a page worth) of data at a time from an underlying TableModel.

Notes on using DefaultPagedTableModel in a SortableTable :

The SortableTable works by wrapping the underlying data model into a SortableTableModel and then sorting it. If you use this table model, then it will only sort a page size at a time, not the whole table and then present a page size. In other words what you see on the screen at any one time will be sorted, however the total table model will not be sorted.

You can get around this by using the very related class SortablePagedTableModel. This sorts the underlying TableModel and then displays a page at a time.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class echopoint.table.TableModelAdapter
Fields inherited from class nextapp.echo.table.AbstractTableModel
Constructor Summary
DefaultPagedTableModel(nextapp.echo.table.TableModel model)
          Creates a DefaultPagedTableModel that pages over the provided TableMode with a default page size of Integer.MAX_VALUE.
DefaultPagedTableModel(nextapp.echo.table.TableModel model, int pageSize)
          Creates a DefaultPagedTableModel that pages over the provided TableModel with a default page size of pageSize.
Method Summary
 int getMaxPageIndex()
          Gets the maximum number of pages that this model contains.
 int getPageIndex()
          Gets the current page index.
 int getRowCount()
          In a PagedTableModel, this reports the minimum of the current rows per page or the number of rows left in the current page.
 int getRowsPerPage()
          Gets the number of rows per page.
 int getTotalRowCount()
          Returns the total number of rows in the TableModel.
 java.lang.Object getValueAt(int column, int row)
 void next()
          Move forward a page, rolling over to 0 from getMaxPageIndex
 void previous()
          Move back a page, rolling over to getMaxPageIndex from 0
 void setPageIndex(int pageIndex)
          Sets the current page index.
 void setRowsPerPage(int pageSize)
          Sets the number of rows per page.
Methods inherited from class echopoint.table.TableModelAdapter
deleteRow, getColumnClass, getColumnCount, getColumnName, getModel, insertRow, setModel, tableChanged
Methods inherited from class nextapp.echo.table.AbstractTableModel
addTableModelListener, fireTableCellUpdated, fireTableChanged, fireTableDataChanged, fireTableRowsDeleted, fireTableRowsInserted, fireTableRowsUpdated, fireTableStructureChanged, removeTableModelListener
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface nextapp.echo.table.TableModel
addTableModelListener, getColumnClass, getColumnCount, getColumnName, removeTableModelListener

Constructor Detail


public DefaultPagedTableModel(nextapp.echo.table.TableModel model)
Creates a DefaultPagedTableModel that pages over the provided TableMode with a default page size of Integer.MAX_VALUE.

model - - the underlying TabeModel to page


public DefaultPagedTableModel(nextapp.echo.table.TableModel model,
                              int pageSize)
Creates a DefaultPagedTableModel that pages over the provided TableModel with a default page size of pageSize.

model - - the underlying TabeModel to page
pageSize - - the number of rows in a page
Method Detail


public void previous()
Description copied from interface: PagedTableModel
Move back a page, rolling over to getMaxPageIndex from 0

Specified by:
previous in interface PagedTableModel
See Also:


public void next()
Description copied from interface: PagedTableModel
Move forward a page, rolling over to 0 from getMaxPageIndex

Specified by:
next in interface PagedTableModel
See Also:


public int getRowsPerPage()
Description copied from interface: PagedTableModel
Gets the number of rows per page.

Specified by:
getRowsPerPage in interface PagedTableModel
- the number of rows per page.
See Also:


public void setRowsPerPage(int pageSize)
Description copied from interface: PagedTableModel
Sets the number of rows per page. Any integer value is fine since this just defines the viewable upper bound.

Specified by:
setRowsPerPage in interface PagedTableModel
pageSize - - the number of rows per page
See Also:


public int getPageIndex()
Description copied from interface: PagedTableModel
Gets the current page index.

Specified by:
getPageIndex in interface PagedTableModel
the current page index
See Also:


public void setPageIndex(int pageIndex)
Description copied from interface: PagedTableModel
Sets the current page index. This method will safely roll to the max page or 0 depending on the given value being and over or under flow respectively.

Specified by:
setPageIndex in interface PagedTableModel
pageIndex - - the new page index
See Also:


public int getMaxPageIndex()
Description copied from interface: PagedTableModel
Gets the maximum number of pages that this model contains.

Specified by:
getMaxPageIndex in interface PagedTableModel
the maximum number of pages that this model contains.
See Also:


public int getTotalRowCount()
Description copied from interface: PagedTableModel
Returns the total number of rows in the TableModel.

Contrasts this with the getRowCount() method.

Specified by:
getTotalRowCount in interface PagedTableModel
the total number of rows in the TableModel.
See Also:


public int getRowCount()
Description copied from interface: PagedTableModel
In a PagedTableModel, this reports the minimum of the current rows per page or the number of rows left in the current page.

Constrast this with the original getRowCount() which reports the total number of rows in the model. This is needed to "trick" the visual Table component into thinking it sees a complete model of row data, when in fact it only sees a page.

Specified by:
getRowCount in interface PagedTableModel
getRowCount in class TableModelAdapter
See Also:


public java.lang.Object getValueAt(int column,
                                   int row)
Specified by:
getValueAt in interface nextapp.echo.table.TableModel
getValueAt in class TableModelAdapter
See Also:
TableModel.getValueAt(int, int)
