
Package echopoint.template.propertymgr

Interface Summary
PropertyManager Property Manager for template managed components.
PropertyManagerOwner Property Manager Owner for template managed components.

Class Summary
AbstractButtonPropertyManager A property handler for classes derived from AbtractButton, ie Button, RadioButton, CheckBox....
ComponentPropertyManager A property manager for Components in general.
LabelPropertyManager A property handler for Labels It handles the following properties : TEXT - the text of the label ICON - the uri to the label's icon Note that attribute names are NOT case sensitive in the template source.
ListPropertyManager A property handler for ListBoxes and SelectFields It handles the following properties : OPTIONS - a String[] array of options SELECTED - an index of the selected option SIZE - the number of rows shown in the list MULTIPLE - whether multiple list item selection is allowed Note that these attribute names are generated in the parsing of SELECT and OPTION fields.
TableGridPropertyManager A property handler for Tables and Grids.
TextAreaPropertyManager A property handler for TextAreas.
TextComponentPropertyManager A property handler for TextComponent derived classes.
TextFieldPropertyManager A property handler for TextFields.
