
Class TitleBarUI

  extended bynextapp.echoservlet.ComponentPeer
      extended byechopoint.ui.util.EchoPointComponentPeer
          extended byechopoint.ui.TitleBarUI
All Implemented Interfaces:
nextapp.echo.event.ChangeListener, nextapp.echoservlet.ClientActionProducer, nextapp.echoservlet.ClientInputProducer, java.util.EventListener, nextapp.echo.event.ImageUpdateListener, PeerDelegate, java.beans.PropertyChangeListener,

public class TitleBarUI
extends EchoPointComponentPeer
implements nextapp.echoservlet.ClientActionProducer, nextapp.echoservlet.ClientInputProducer

TitleBarUI is the backend peer class for the component TitleBar.

This has a client mode and a server side mode for the pressing of the expand/collapse buttons. In client side mode it runs a JS function to change the expansion images and also called a special inserted function to do anything else. The state of the expansionness is also saved via the ClientInputProducer interface.

The client mode is there as a convenience for other compoents such as ExpandableSection.

In server side mode, clicks result in an action back to the peer that changes the state of the TitleBar model, which in turns redraws the component.

By default the TitleBar is rendered as NOT draggable. However if you call setDraggable("htmlId") then the title bar will be rendered to allow dragging around of the specified HTML element. Make sure you put position:absolute/relative on the element to ensure it can be moved via JS.

Brad Baker
See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class echopoint.ui.util.EchoPointComponentPeer
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void clientAction(java.lang.String action)
 void clientInput(java.lang.String input)
          Called when the client state has to be saved.
 void propertyChange(java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent e)
          Whenever a property changes, we call redraw() to cause the peer to be repainted.
static void register()
          Registers the Component with its peer bindings
 void registered()
          This adds itself as a property change listener to the component, which calls redraw(), and then creates a ToolTipPopUpSupportHelper.
 void render(nextapp.echoservlet.RenderingContext rc, nextapp.echoservlet.html.Element parent)
 void setClientMode(boolean newClientMode, java.lang.String newHideElementStr)
          Puts the TitleBar peer into client mode or not.
 void setDraggable(java.lang.String dragElementStr, java.lang.String dragCustomFunction, java.lang.String dragContextStr, boolean useDragBackground, boolean useDragWindow)
          Sets the title bar as being draggable.
 void unregistered()
          This removes the property change listener and then calls toolTipHelper.unregistered();.
Methods inherited from class echopoint.ui.util.EchoPointComponentPeer
addOnce, addOnce, addScriptInclude, copyChildrenExcept, copyChildrenExcept, forComponent, forComponent, forComponent, forComponent, getChildren, getImage, getImageManager, getImageUri, getPeer, getPeer, getToolTipHelper, getUri, hasBeenAdded, imageUpdate, removeAllImages, removeAllManagedImages, removeNewLinesAndJSQuote, removeNewLinesAndJSQuote, setImage, stateChanged, trackImage
Methods inherited from class nextapp.echoservlet.ComponentPeer
addAncillaryService, generateId, getBackground, getChildCount, getComponent, getFont, getForeground, getId, getInstancePeer, getParent, redraw, removeAncillaryService
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface nextapp.echoservlet.ClientInputProducer
Methods inherited from interface echopoint.ui.util.PeerDelegate

Constructor Detail


public TitleBarUI()
Method Detail


public static void register()
Registers the Component with its peer bindings


public void clientAction(java.lang.String action)
Specified by:
clientAction in interface nextapp.echoservlet.ClientActionProducer
See Also:


public void clientInput(java.lang.String input)
Called when the client state has to be saved. Will only be called when the titlebar UI is in client mode.

Specified by:
clientInput in interface nextapp.echoservlet.ClientInputProducer
See Also:


public void propertyChange(java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent e)
Description copied from class: EchoPointComponentPeer
Whenever a property changes, we call redraw() to cause the peer to be repainted.

In 99% of cases, this is actually what you want to do.

Specified by:
propertyChange in interface java.beans.PropertyChangeListener
propertyChange in class EchoPointComponentPeer
See Also:


public void registered()
Description copied from class: EchoPointComponentPeer
This adds itself as a property change listener to the component, which calls redraw(), and then creates a ToolTipPopUpSupportHelper.

registered in class EchoPointComponentPeer
See Also:


public void unregistered()
Description copied from class: EchoPointComponentPeer
This removes the property change listener and then calls toolTipHelper.unregistered();. If there is an ImageManager, then all images are removed.

unregistered in class EchoPointComponentPeer
See Also:


public void render(nextapp.echoservlet.RenderingContext rc,
                   nextapp.echoservlet.html.Element parent)
See Also:
ComponentPeer.render(nextapp.echoservlet.RenderingContext, nextapp.echoservlet.html.Element)


public void setClientMode(boolean newClientMode,
                          java.lang.String newHideElementStr)
Puts the TitleBar peer into client mode or not. The hideElement is the html element to hide or shown when the titlebar is expanded or collapsed. This can be null in which case nothing is hidden or shown.

newClientMode -
newHideElementStr -


public void setDraggable(java.lang.String dragElementStr,
                         java.lang.String dragCustomFunction,
                         java.lang.String dragContextStr,
                         boolean useDragBackground,
                         boolean useDragWindow)
Sets the title bar as being draggable. This will then drag the HTML element passed in. If this value is null, then nothing will be draggable.

dragElementStr - - the id of the HTML element to drag
dragCustomFunction - - custom EPBE drag function
dragContextStr - - the custom JS drag context obejct
useDragBackground - - wheteher to use a drag background
useDragWindow - - whether to use a drag window at all
