EchoPoint 1.0 |
A utility to class to help with Font manipulation
Field Summary | |
static java.lang.String[] |
Constant array for Echo Font strings |
static java.lang.String[][] |
Constant array for Echo Font Values |
static java.lang.String[] |
Constant array for Echo Font Style strings |
Method Summary | |
static void |
addBold(nextapp.echo.Component c)
Adds bold to a Component's font. |
static nextapp.echo.Font |
addBold(nextapp.echo.Font f)
Adds the Font.BOLD attribute to an exisitng Font object and returns a new Font. |
static void |
addItalic(nextapp.echo.Component c)
Adds italic to a Component's font. |
static nextapp.echo.Font |
addItalic(nextapp.echo.Font f)
Adds the Font.ITALIC attribute to an exisitng Font object and returns a new Font. |
static void |
addSize(nextapp.echo.Component c,
int sizeDelta)
Sets a component's font smaller or large by the specified delta amount. |
static nextapp.echo.Font |
addSize(nextapp.echo.Font f,
int sizeDelta)
Makes a font smaller or larger by adding the specified amount to its current font size. |
static void |
addStyle(nextapp.echo.Component c,
int style)
Adds the specified style to a Component's font.
static nextapp.echo.Font |
addStyle(nextapp.echo.Font f,
int style)
Adds the specified style to the Font
and returns a new Font.
static void |
addUnderline(nextapp.echo.Component c)
Adds underline to a Component's font. |
static nextapp.echo.Font |
addUnderline(nextapp.echo.Font f)
Adds the Font.UNDERLINE attribute to an exisitng Font object and returns a new Font. |
static nextapp.echo.Font |
findFont(nextapp.echo.Component comp)
Searchs the heirarchy tree of the component and finds the first non null Font object. |
static nextapp.echo.Font |
font(java.lang.String fontString)
Shortcut synonym for makeFont(fontString); |
static boolean |
isFontString(java.lang.String fontString)
Returns true if the fontString is a valid
representation of a Font value.
static java.awt.Font |
makeAwtFont(nextapp.echo.Font echoFont,
java.awt.Font awtDefaultFont)
Creates an AWT font object from a Echo font object. |
static java.lang.String |
makeCSSFont(nextapp.echo.Font f)
Makes a W3C CSS font string in the special format fontstyle, fontsize, fontnames |
static nextapp.echo.Font |
makeFont(java.lang.String fontString)
Returns the Font value of the given Font string representation. |
static java.lang.String |
makeFontString(nextapp.echo.Font f)
Makes a string representation of a font in the format font(fontName, fontStyle, fontSize) where : fontName - is a font name such as 'Verdana' or 'Times New Roman'. |
static void |
setBold(nextapp.echo.Component c)
Sets Component's font to bold. |
static void |
setItalic(nextapp.echo.Component c)
Sets Component's font to italic. |
static nextapp.echo.Font |
setName(nextapp.echo.Font font,
java.lang.String fontName)
Returns a new Font object, based on font , that
has the specified fontName .
static nextapp.echo.Font |
setNames(nextapp.echo.Font font,
java.lang.String[] fontNames)
Returns a new Font object, based on font , that
has the specified fontNames . |
static void |
setSize(nextapp.echo.Component c,
int size)
Sets the size of a Component's font. |
static nextapp.echo.Font |
setSize(nextapp.echo.Font font,
int size)
Returns a new Font object, based on font , that
has the specified size . |
static nextapp.echo.Font |
setStyle(nextapp.echo.Font font,
int style)
Returns a new Font object, based on font , that
has the specified style . |
static void |
setUnderline(nextapp.echo.Component c)
Sets Component's font to underline. |
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait |
Field Detail |
public static java.lang.String[] FontStyleStrings
public static java.lang.String[] EchoFontStrings
public static java.lang.String[][] EchoFontValues
Method Detail |
public static java.awt.Font makeAwtFont(nextapp.echo.Font echoFont, java.awt.Font awtDefaultFont)
- - the nextapp.echo.Font object to convertawtDefaultFont
- - a default AWT font to use if the conversion cant be done.
public static java.lang.String makeCSSFont(nextapp.echo.Font f)
fontstyle, fontsize, fontnames
- - the font to represent as a W3C CSS string
public static void addBold(nextapp.echo.Component c)
If the component has no font, a findFont
is performed and
the result is set in as the font.
- - the component in questionaddBold(Font)
public static void addItalic(nextapp.echo.Component c)
If the component has no font, a findFont
is performed and
the result is set in as the font.
- - the component in questionaddItalic(Font)
public static void addUnderline(nextapp.echo.Component c)
If the component has no font, a findFont
is performed and
the result is set in as the font.
- - the component in questionaddUnderline(Font)
public static void addStyle(nextapp.echo.Component c, int style)
to a Component's font.
If the component has no font, a findFont
is performed and
the result is set in as the font.
- - the component in questionaddStyle(Font, int)
public static void addSize(nextapp.echo.Component c, int sizeDelta)
If the component has no font, a findFont
is performed and
the result is set in as the font.
- - the component in questionsizeDelta
- - a positive or negative delta amountaddSize(Font, int)
public static void setBold(nextapp.echo.Component c)
If the component has no font, a findFont
is performed and
the result is set in as the font.
- - the component in questionsetStyle(Font, int)
public static void setItalic(nextapp.echo.Component c)
If the component has no font, a findFont
is performed and
the result is set in as the font.
- - the component in questionsetStyle(Font, int)
public static void setUnderline(nextapp.echo.Component c)
If the component has no font, a findFont
is performed and
the result is set in as the font.
- - the component in questionsetStyle(Font, int)
public static void setSize(nextapp.echo.Component c, int size)
If the component has no font, a findFont
is performed and
the result is set in as the font.
- - the component in questionsize
- - the new font sizesetSize(Font, int)
public static nextapp.echo.Font findFont(nextapp.echo.Component comp)
if no ancestor components have a Font set.
public static nextapp.echo.Font makeFont(java.lang.String fontString)
The allowable forms are :
- fontName,fontStyle,fontSize
- font( fontName, fontStyle, fontSize)
fontName - eg. Verdana or 'Times New Roman'.
If multiple font names are specified or there is
white space in the font name, then it must be enclosed
in single quotes and commas eg. 'Verdana, Times New Roman, Tahoma'.
fontStyle - PLAIN|BOLD|ITALIC|UNDERLINE or nothing! (this is case insenstive)
fontSize - an integer size value
Examples :
Verdana,,9 - is a legal font string Verdana,PLAIN,9 - is a legal font string Verdana,plain,9 - is a legal font string Verdana,bold|italic,9 - is a legal font string 'Times New Roman',plain,9 - is a legal font string 'Verdana, Times New Roman',plain,9 - is a legal font string font(Verdana,,9) - is a legal font string font(Verdana,PLAIN,9) - is a legal font string font(Verdana,plain,9) - is a legal font string font(Verdana,bold|italic,9) - is a legal font string font('Verdana, Times New Roman',plain,9) - is a legal font string Verdana, 3, 9 - is an ILLEGAL font string Verdana, Times New Roman,PLAIN,9 - is an ILLEGAL font string font(Verdana, 3, 9) - is an ILLEGAL font string font(Verdana, Times New Roman,PLAIN,9) - is an ILLEGAL font string
The results of this operations is cached in a global static cache, so that Font objects can be re-used. This is okay since Font objects are immutable once created.
- - the font string in question
- - if the fontString is in an invalid formatpublic static nextapp.echo.Font font(java.lang.String fontString)
public static boolean isFontString(java.lang.String fontString)
is a valid
representation of a Font value.
The allowable forms are :
- fontName,fontStyle,fontSize
- font( fontName, fontStyle, fontSize)
fontName - eg. Verdana or 'Times New Roman'.
If multiple font names are specified or there is
white space in the font name, then it must be enclosed
in single quotes and commas eg. 'Verdana, Times New Roman, Tahoma'.
fontStyle - PLAIN|BOLD|ITALIC|UNDERLINE or nothing! (this is case insenstive)
fontSize - an integer size value
Examples :
Verdana,,9 - is a legal font string Verdana,PLAIN,9 - is a legal font string Verdana,plain,9 - is a legal font string Verdana,bold|italic,9 - is a legal font string 'Times New Roman',plain,9 - is a legal font string 'Verdana, Times New Roman',plain,9 - is a legal font string font(Verdana,,9) - is a legal font string font(Verdana,PLAIN,9) - is a legal font string font(Verdana,plain,9) - is a legal font string font(Verdana,bold|italic,9) - is a legal font string font('Verdana, Times New Roman',plain,9) - is a legal font string Verdana, 3, 9 - is an ILLEGAL font string Verdana, Times New Roman,PLAIN,9 - is an ILLEGAL font string font(Verdana, 3, 9) - is an ILLEGAL font string font(Verdana, Times New Roman,PLAIN,9) - is an ILLEGAL font string
- - the font string representation to check
public static java.lang.String makeFontString(nextapp.echo.Font f)
font(fontName, fontStyle, fontSize)
where :
fontName - is a font name such as 'Verdana' or 'Times New Roman'. fontStyle - PLAIN|BOLD|ITALIC|UNDERLINE fontSize - an integer size value
- - the font to make into a String representation
public static nextapp.echo.Font addBold(nextapp.echo.Font f)
- - the font in question
public static nextapp.echo.Font addItalic(nextapp.echo.Font f)
- - the font in question
public static nextapp.echo.Font addUnderline(nextapp.echo.Font f)
- - the font in question
public static nextapp.echo.Font addStyle(nextapp.echo.Font f, int style)
to the Font
and returns a new Font.
- - the font in questionstyle
- - the new font style to added to the font
public static nextapp.echo.Font addSize(nextapp.echo.Font f, int sizeDelta)
- - the font in questionsizeDelta
- - the size delta to add to the current size
public static nextapp.echo.Font setSize(nextapp.echo.Font font, int size)
, that
has the specified size
- - the font to use as a templatesize
- - the new size
public static nextapp.echo.Font setStyle(nextapp.echo.Font font, int style)
, that
has the specified style
- - the font to use as a templatestyle
- - the new style
public static nextapp.echo.Font setNames(nextapp.echo.Font font, java.lang.String[] fontNames)
, that
has the specified fontNames
- - the font to use as a templatefontNames
- - an array of font names
public static nextapp.echo.Font setName(nextapp.echo.Font font, java.lang.String fontName)
, that
has the specified fontName
If fontName
has whitespace in it, then
you need to surround it in single quotes.
- - the font to use as a templatefontName
- - the new font name to use
EchoPoint 1.0 |