
Package echopoint.validation

Interface Summary
Validateable A Validateable is something that has a ValidationRuleSet of ValidationRules associated with it and one that can have returns its value as a String.
ValidationKit.ValidationCallback ValidationCallback is used by ValidationKit.validate() as a call back mechanism when validating a hierarchy of Validateable components.
ValidationMutableRuleSet ValidationMutableRuleSet is a ValidationRuleSet that allows you to dynamiclly add and remove ValidationRule objects.
ValidationRule A ValidationRule is a validation rule that can be run on the client side, via getJsRule(), or run on the server side via isValid(), and has an associated error message if it found to be invalid.
ValidationRuleSet ValidationRuleSet is a named set of ValidationRules.
ValidationSubmitter An object that implements ValidationSubmitter will cause validation to occur before a server submit is allowed to occur.

Class Summary
SimpleRule SimpleRule is a ValidationRule that can perform client side validation.
SimpleRuleSet SimpleRuleSet is an base class that can be used as the basis of other ValidationRuleSet classes.
ValidationKit ValidationKit contains methods that help with processing Validateables and Component heierachies that have Validateables in them.
