
Package echopoint.ui.template.taghandlers

Interface Summary
TagHandler The TagHandler interface controls what happens when a tag is encountered with a specific name.

Class Summary
AbstractTagHandler A TemplateTagHandler that acts a base for more specialised tag handlers related to the the HtmlTemplatePanel
HtmlBodyCssStripper The HtmlBodyCssStripper tag handler removes all traces of the HTML and BODY tags during parsing.
LabelTagHandler A TemplateTagHandler for Labels.
RangeTagHandler A TemplateTagHandler for handling tags that may span more than one tag.
SelectTagHandler A TemplateTagHandler for handling the SELECT tag
SimpleTagHandler A TemplateTagHandler
StyleSheetTagHandler The StyleSheetTagHandler tag handler looks for <stylesheet> tags and saves the contents so that it can be applied later to template components.
TextSubstitutionTagHandler This tag handler will replace "TEXT" tags with named values
