
Package echopoint.ui.util

Interface Summary
PeerDelegate The PeerDelegate is used to indicate objects that can provide ComponentPeer services, without necessarily being a peer.

Class Summary
EchoPointComponentPeer EchoPointComponentPeer is provided as a base class for EchoPoint ComponentPeers.
HtmlTable The HtmlTable class is a helper for creating HTML TABLE elements, TR element and TD elements in less code that usual.
NoNameElement The NoNameElement class is used to contain other elements however it does not generate an HTML element itself.
PositioningHelper A helper class for positionable, scrollable and clippable component rendering.
ToolTipPopUpSupportHelper ToolTipPopUpSupportHelper is used to add ToolTipPopUpSupport to an Element in a UI peer.
TriCellTable Renders an HTML table that has two or three "container" cells and independently settable margins between them.
ValidationHelper ValidationHelper is used by UI peers to place validation JS support into the resultant web pages.
