
Class TriCellTable

  extended bynextapp.echoservlet.html.Element
      extended byechopoint.ui.util.TriCellTable
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class TriCellTable
extends nextapp.echoservlet.html.Element

Renders an HTML table that has two or three "container" cells and independently settable margins between them. These tables are useful for rendering buttons that have two or three elements (images, text labels, and state indicators). This class supports all possible permutations for placement of each of the two or three contained components.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface nextapp.echoservlet.html.Renderable
Constructor Summary
TriCellTable(nextapp.echoservlet.RenderingContext rc, int orientation0_1, int margin0_1)
          Creates a two-celled TriCellTable.
TriCellTable(nextapp.echoservlet.RenderingContext rc, int orientation0_1, int margin0_1, int orientation01_2, int margin01_2)
          Creates a three-celled TriCellTable.
Method Summary
 void addGlobalAttribute(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String value)
          Adds an attribute to every table cell in the rendered table.
 nextapp.echoservlet.html.Element getMarginTdElement(int index)
          Returns the specified margin element.
static int getOrientation(int horizontalOrientation, int verticalOrientation)
          Translates horizontal and vertical orientation constants from the nextapp.echo.EchoContstants class into the constants used by TriCellTable: LEFT_RIGHT RIGHT_LEFT TOP_BOTTOM BOTTOM_TOP
 nextapp.echoservlet.html.Element getTdElement(int index)
          Returns the specified container element.
Methods inherited from class nextapp.echoservlet.html.Element
add, add, addAttribute, addAttribute, addAttribute, addElement, addElement, addElementContent, addElementContent, addHtml, addHtml, addText, addText, addText, getAttribute, getName, indexOf, isSticky, render, render, setClosingTagRequired, setSticky, setWhitespaceRelevant
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public TriCellTable(nextapp.echoservlet.RenderingContext rc,
                    int orientation0_1,
                    int margin0_1)
Creates a two-celled TriCellTable.

rc - The rendering context which is to render the underlying button object.
orientation0_1 - The orientation of Element 0 with respect to Element 1, one of the following values:
margin0_1 - The margin size (in pixels) between element 0 and element 1.


public TriCellTable(nextapp.echoservlet.RenderingContext rc,
                    int orientation0_1,
                    int margin0_1,
                    int orientation01_2,
                    int margin01_2)
Creates a three-celled TriCellTable.

rc - The rendering context which is to render the underlying button object.
orientation0_1 - The orientation of Element 0 with respect to Element 1, one of the following values:
margin0_1 - The margin size (in pixels) between element 0 and element 1.
orientation01_2 - The orientation of Elements 0 and 1 with respect to Element 2, one of the following values:
margin01_2 - The margin size (in pixels) between the combination of elements 0 and 1 and element 2. element 1.
Method Detail


public static int getOrientation(int horizontalOrientation,
                                 int verticalOrientation)
Translates horizontal and vertical orientation constants from the nextapp.echo.EchoContstants class into the constants used by TriCellTable:

horizontalOrientation - The horizontal orientation desired, one of the following values:
  • EchoConstants.LEFT
  • EchoConstants.CENTER
  • EchoConstants.RIGHT
verticalOrientation - The vertical orientation desired, one of the following values:
  • EchoConstants.TOP
  • EchoConstants.CENTER
  • EchoConstants.BOTTOM
Am orientation constant from TriCellTable that equates to the orientation parameters provided.


public void addGlobalAttribute(java.lang.String name,
                               java.lang.String value)
Adds an attribute to every table cell in the rendered table.

name - The name of the attribute.
value - The value of the attribute.


public nextapp.echoservlet.html.Element getTdElement(int index)
Returns the specified container element.

index - The index of the table element to return. For two-celled tables, legitimate values are 0 and 1. For three-celled tables, legitimate values are 0, 1, and 2.
The specified container element.


public nextapp.echoservlet.html.Element getMarginTdElement(int index)
Returns the specified margin element.

index - The index of the table element to return. Index 0 is the margin element between container cells 0 and 1. Index 1 is the margin element between container cells 0/1 and 2.
The specified margin element. Returns null if the margin is zero pixels.
